LOJ 1070 - Algebraic Problem
Given three non-negative integers, a+b = p, ab = q and n we have to find the value of $a^n$ + $b^n$. a and b not necessarily have to be integers. There will be no such input so that we have to find the value of $0^0$
Matrix Exponentiation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcT5T-46iFA
unsigned long long int in C/C++: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-value-of-unsigned-long-long-int-in-c/ (language specific). Implementations of unsigned long long int have a modulo behavior when performing arithmetic operations. Any arithmetic manipulation with unsigned long long int's will be taken modulo $2^{64}$ automatically.
Let's define:
F(n) = $a^n$ + $b^n$
=> F(0) = $a^0$ + $b^0$ = 2
=> F(1) = a + b = p
$a^2$ + $b^2$ = $(a+b)^2$ - 2ab
=> $a^2$ + $b^2$ = (a + b) * (a + b) - ab * ( $a^0$ + $b^0$ )
=> F(2) = $a^2$ + $b^2$ = p * (a + b) - q * ( $a^0$ + $b^0$ )
$a^3$ + $b^3$ = (a + b) * ( $a^2$ + $b^2$ ) - ab * (a + b)
=> F(3) = $a^3$ + $b^3$ = p * ( $a^2$ + $b^2$ ) - q * (a + b)
$a^4$ + $b^4$ = (a + b) * ( $a^3$ + $b^3$ ) - ab * ( $a^2$ + $b^2$ )
=> F(4) = $a^4$ + $b^4$ = p * ( $a^3$ + $b^3$ ) - q * ( $a^2$ + $b^2$ )
Observing the pattern we can conclude:
F(n) = p * F(n-1) - q * F(n-2)
It's a linear recurrence that can be solved using matrix exponentiation technique.
(p−q 10)(F(1) F(0))=(F(2) F(1))
(p−q 10)2(p 2)=(F(3) F(2))
(p−q 10)n(p 2)=(F(n+1) F(n))
- Time Complexity: O(T * $k^3$ $log{_2}{n}$). Here, k = 2
- Memory Complexity: O( $k^2$ ).
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
struct Matrix {
vector <vector <ull>> mat;
Matrix(int n) {
mat.assign(n, vector <ull> (n, 0));
Matrix mat_multiply(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B) {
int n = A.mat.size();
Matrix res(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
res.mat[i][j] += A.mat[i][k] * B.mat[k][j];
return res;
Matrix binpow(Matrix &A, int power) {
int n = A.mat.size();
Matrix res(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n ; ++i) {
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
res.mat[i][j] = (i == j? 1:0);
while (power > 0) {
if (power & 1) {
res = mat_multiply(res, A);
power >>= 1;
A = mat_multiply(A, A);
return res;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
int t;
cin >> t;
for(int ts = 1; ts <= t; ++ts) {
ull p, q, n;
cin >> p >> q >> n;
Matrix A(2);
A.mat[0][0] = p;
A.mat[0][1] = -q;
A.mat[1][0] = 1;
A = binpow(A, n);
cout << "Case " << ts << ": " << A.mat[1][0]*p + (A.mat[1][1]<<1) << '\n';
return 0;
Tutorial source