LOJ 1202 - Bishops

There is an infinite chessboard. Two bishops are there. (Bishop means the chess piece that moves diagonally).
Now you are given the position of the two bishops. You have to find the minimum chess moves to take one to another. With a chess move, a bishop can be moved to a long distance (along the diagonal lines) with just one move.
Input starts with an integer T (≤ 10000), denoting the number of test cases.
Each case contains four integers r1 c1 r2 c2 denoting the positions of the bishops. Each of the integers will be positive and not greater than 109. You can also assume that the positions will be distinct.
For each case, print the case number and the minimum moves required to take one bishop to the other. Print impossible
if it's not possible.
If a Bishop makes a move from its initial block to any diagonal direction, the difference of new x-coordinate and y-coordinate from their initial block is equal, |c1-c2| = |r1-r2|
. This is how we know that the destination block can be reached diagonally directly in 1 move. For example : from (1,1)
to (10,10)
, here |1-10| = 9 = |1-10|
. If the condition is not met, either the position can not be taken in 1 move or it is impossible
Now to determine whether it can be reached at all or impossible
, we need to know if the block we are trying reach is of the same color of the Bishop's initial block or not. We already know diagonal blocks can be reached in 1 move. But in case of switching to a block of the same color of its current position that is not directly diagonally connected, observing the chessboard we can see that we need to move to another block that is already diagonally connected to the destination block we want. In other words, there is always at least 1 block and at best 2 blocks in common between the destination block and initial block. For example: (1,1)
and (5,3)
have only (4,4)
in common where as (2,5)
and (5,4)
have {(4,3),(3,6)}
. So, in any case, a block of the same color that needs to be reached via a common block will require only 2 moves. To check whether color of the initial block and destination block are same or not, we can check whether |c1-c2| % 2 = |r1-r2| % 2
or not. For example : from (1,1)
to (5,3)
, here |1-5| % 2 = 0 = |1-3| % 2
. Point to be noted, |1-5| = 4
and |5-3| = 2
are both even. In another example, (4,5)
to (3,2)
is reachable by (4,5) -> (2,3) -> (3,2)
. But in this case, |4-3| = 1
and |5-2| = 3
are both odd . But in case of from (4,5)
to (3,3)
is not possible because they have no common diagonal block and also |4-3| = 1
which is odd and |5-3| = 2
which is even. Thus if |c1-c2| % 2 = |r1-r2| % 2
is true
we now know that travelling is possible in 2 moves. Else, the destination block is not of the same color as its initial block and thus it is impossible
to reach because there is not a single set of (Black,White) or vice versa that is diagonally connected resulting in a Bishop not able to switch to a block of different color.
The above implementation is accepted
Solution in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int cases, c1, r1, c2, r2, c, r;
scanf("%d", &cases);
for (int i = 1; i <= cases; i++)
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &r1, &c1, &r2, &c2);
c = abs(c1 - c2);
r = abs(r1 - r2);
if (c == r)
printf("Case %d: 1\n", i);
if (c % 2 == r % 2)
printf("Case %d: 2\n", i);
printf("Case %d: impossible\n", i);
return 0;
Tutorial source